Semua yang anda perlu tahu tentang USD, EUR, GBP dan CAD

GOLD: US Dollar Hits Supply Zone, What Next?

Here's the latest news from Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell. While speaking at a conference in Portugal, Powell expressed optimism about the US economy and decreased the possibility of a recession, stating that the economy has shown resilience and is still growing, albeit at a modest pace. He acknowledged the possibility of a recession but

Gold Price Forecast: XAU/USD resilient despite Fed’s rate hike speculations on solid US data

Gold price regains momentum above $1900 despite increased odds of Fed rate hikes. US economic data underscores robust growth, pushing XAU/USD to test 200-day EMA. Treasury bond yields soar, underpinning projections of higher rates and potential headwinds for Gold demand. Gold price recovers some ground after sliding below the $1900 figure for the first time

Gold Price Forecast: XAU/USD to find a major floor at the 200-DMA of $1,856 – Credit Suisse

The decline in Gold is now on the cusp of Credit Suisse’s target of price and retracement support at $1,900/1,890. The bank analyzes XAU/USD technical outlook. Weekly close below $1,856 to reinforce the longer-term sideways range Gold has declined to our core target of $1,900/1,890 and with the rising 200-DMA seen not far below at

Breaking: ​​​​​​​Gold drops below $1,900 for the first time since mid-March

Stronger-than-expected US economic data boosts the US Dollar across the board. US Treasury yields spike higher, putting pressure on Gold. XAU/USD fell below $1,900/oz, reaching its lowest level in three months. Gold prices tumbled following the release of US economic data. XAU/USD broke below $1,900 for the first time since mid-March and fell to $1,894.

Gold Price Forecast: XAU/USD bears keep control, focus on $1,885 and Fed inflation gauge

Gold Price stays bearish near the lowest levels since March, braces for the second consecutive weekly loss. Hawkish Federal Reserve talks, upbeat United States data underpin US Dollar strength and weigh on XAU/USD. US-China jitters, Germany’s recession fears and fewer accolades for European Central Bank hawks also favor Gold sellers. China’s official PMIs, US PCE

Exciting Gold Price Forecast: XAU/USD stands firm above the $1,900 mark, while all eyes eagerly await the US PCE Price Index for a burst...

Gold price fails to attract any buyers or build on the overnight bounce from a multi-month low. Hawkish major central banks continue to act as a headwind for the non-yielding commodity. The US Dollar stands tall near a two-week high and also contributes to capping the XAU/USD. Investors keenly await the release of the US

Dengan saham tanpa hala tuju pagi ini, USD sedang bergelut untuk mendapatkan hala tuju walaupun kalendar AS sibuk pada hari itu Pada jam 11:30 malam waktu Sydney, kami akan mempunyai pembesar suara Rizab Persekutuan, beberapa keluaran data AS dijangka, walaupun kebanyakannya kepentingan kecil. Data akan datang termasuk Imbangan Dagangan Barangan Tahan Lama dan Inventori Runcit untuk bulan Mei. Indeks Kejutan Ekonomi AS HSBC telah turun naik tetapi kebanyakannya kekal stabil sejak beberapa bulan lalu, bercanggah dengan naratif kemelesetan yang menjulang. Kira-kira sebulan yang lalu, pasaran meramalkan kadar dasar lewat 2023 yang akan menjadi 33 mata asas di bawah jangkaan puncaknya, membayangkan kitaran pelonggaran. Walau bagaimanapun, dalam pada itu, jurang ini telah mengecil kepada hanya 7 mata asas. Penilaian semula ini tidak memberi manfaat kepada USD kerana ia menyusut nilai berbanding semua mata wang G10 kecuali JPY. Jika pasaran menetapkan harga dalam pemotongan kadar kerana kebimbangan kemelesetan reda, USD akan jatuh dan bukannya meningkat.

EUR lebih kukuh apabila persidangan ECB bermula, dengan Presiden Lagarde memberi amaran bahawa ECB tidak akan dapat mengumumkan kadar tertinggi tidak lama lagi Beliau mengulangi kebarangkalian tinggi kenaikan kadar Julai tetapi juga mengakui bahawa The central bank tidak mungkin mengumumkan dengan yakin bahawa kadar faedah puncak telah dicapai dalam masa terdekat. Pemerhatian ini tidak meningkatkan jangkaan pasaran untuk kenaikan kadar September, yang kekal pada 40 mata asas. Bagaimanapun, ramalan kadar faedah dinaikkan sedikit menjelang akhir tahun. Malam tadi penjaja ECB menonjol dengan Martins Kazaks mengisytiharkan bahawa pertumbuhan ekonomi masih belum cukup perlahan untuk membendung inflasi. Gediminas Simkus berkata “Saya tidak akan terkejut jika kami terus meningkat pada bulan September.” sekali gus menunjukkan sedikit penyelewengan daripada ramalan sebelumnya mengenai keputusan bergantung kepada data selepas bulan Julai. Saya akan kekal positif pada EUR dan mencadangkan idea perdagangan untuk membeli EUR-GBP. Di samping itu, beberapa ahli ekonomi menjangkakan CPI teras zon euro untuk Jun mengatasi jangkaan Jumaat depan, kembali ke paras tertinggi sebelumnya iaitu 5.7%t/y (konsensus 5.5%).


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